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Autumnfest 5K 2018

Get Yourself Ready for the St. Catherine’s Autumnfest 5K in 5 Weeks!

When we service your Air Conditioner in Carrollton TX, your satifaction means the world to us.

We understand, it can be hard to fit in lengthy or tiring runs into your busy schedule the month before a 5K.

That’s why you need to have a plan if you are going to train your way to the big run. With St. Catherine’s Autumnfest 5K coming up at the end of September, there are some basic things we here at Barbosa are doing to prepare.

Follow our plan for what to do before and during your training period that will lay the foundations for a fun, safe running experience when the day finally arrives!

Need a Few Tips For Training?

Schedule your Air Conditioning replacement in Plano TX today.

Good Running Shoes: Getting a pair of well-fitting, supportive and comfortable running shoes is your first step to a good 5K training experience, and can end up being the difference between constant pain and running comfortably for months and years to come.

Time Over Distance: GIt’s important to start off your training prioritizing walking and running for a period of time rather than a certain distance. This will help you stay motivated while your speed and stamina improve.

Set A Realistic Pace: Everyone runs at their own pace, so don’t get frustrated if you’re not a super fast runner. Choose a pace that lets you breathe and maintain speed without putting undue stress on your body.

Stretch Before And After: Dynamic stretching and warm-ups like leg swings before you run are important to stave off injuries and pain during your run, while static stretching after each training session helps reduce soreness and fatigue.

Read what customers have to say about our Air Conditioner repair service in Carrollton TX.

Follow Our 5K Training Plan!

Week 1: Since this is your first week, you’ll want to start at a comfortable pace, and focus on getting used to the movement of walking and running every other day.

Plan: Run 10 minutes, walk 2 minutes, run 10 minutes. Training days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

Week 2: Your second week will involve more time, but you’ll want to keep the intensity about the same for yourself, not pushing too hard on speed, focusing more on stamina.

For information on AC installation near Carrollton TX, email Barbosa Plumbing & Air Conditioning.

Plan: Run 12 minutes, walk 2 minutes, run 12 minutes. Training days are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Week 3: Now that you’re a little more used to running, you can try increasing your distance, but no need to rush, you’ve still got time!

Plan: Run 15 minutes, walk 3 minutes, run 15 minutes. Training days are Monday Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

Week 4: This week you’ll definitely want to start tracking your distance, so next week you can be sure that you’ll make it to the finish line.

Plan: Run 17 minutes, walk 2 minutes, run 17 minutes. Training days are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Week 5: By the end of week five you’ll be in the best condition possible for the run, so spend this week making sure you’re able to minimize soreness and maximize results!

Plan: Run 20 minutes, walk 2 minutes, run 20 minutes. Training days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

If you are interested in running your first 5k or already have a few under your belt, Register for the Autumnfest 5k today & start following our training guide!