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Burst Pipe Repair in Carrollton Saves Homeowner

Barbosa's Burst Pipe Expertise Helps a Carrollton Homeowner Stay Dry

Barbosa's Burst Pipe Expertise Helps a Carrollton Homeowner Stay Dry

A client started hearing what sounded like a waterfall inside their walls. Their water pressure also seemed off. They checked all the typical culprits: under the sink, the bathtub plumbing, and the water heater. All of these seemed to be in one piece. Knowing how unseasonably cold it was, that homeowner didn't ignore it.

Instead, they picked up the phone and called Barbosa. After a quick investigation, we discovered that the cold had burst a pipe. It was now spraying water around that was quickly freezing in the frigid air. This not only meant paying more on the water bills but also robbed them of their water pressure and causing expensive water damage.

Our Emergency Plumbers Braved the Cold to Help Get Their Water Back

Though it was dark and afterhours, we rose to the occasion. Our Carrollton plumbers knew the urgency of the situation. There was no grumbling or whining about the time or the cold. After discovering the pipe's exact location, we dug our way to it. This meant braving the cold. After uncovering the problem, we removed the busted piece of metal piping. A suitable replacement was put in. Our team also advised the homeowner on preventive measures, including pipe covers and additional insulation, and emphasized the importance of a well-maintained heating system.

A Plumber's Advice on Avoiding Burst Pipes in Winter

Residents of North Dallas and Carrollton can lower the risk of plumbing disasters by being proactive.

With the cold temps our area has experienced in recent winters, we have to be more mindful of our plumbing systems. A lot of materials used in older homes aren't the best at dealing with freezing weather. They can become brittle and break easily. For that reason, we recommend homeowners Dallas insulate their pipes.

This simple step helps bolster your plumbing system's endurance. It's also important that you regularly inspect your home's heating system. In doing so, you can prevent winter HVAC breakdowns from cascading into busted pipes and widespread water damage. Worried your system can't take the cold? Call (214) 351-7030 to schedule a plumbing inspection in Carrollton or Carrollton.

Call Our Plumbers if You Hear Waterfalls

If you notice signs of plumbing problems, such as strange sounds, a reduction in water pressure, or water damage, don't hesitate to call Barbosa Heating & Air. Our team of expert plumbers is available 24/7. We're ready to tackle any-sized job, residential or commercial. With us on call, you can rest easy knowing your home is safe and warm or will soon be again.